1. Always pre-prepare your bed, if using
fresh manure leave it to rot over winter.
2. Avoid planting a large clump of tubers,
seperated individual tubers will do better.
3. Beds should be well drained in heavy
soils - try using a raised bed.
4. Put stake in first, then plant the tuber.
5. Ensure dahlias are well tied every 25cm
in height.
6. Keep slug and snail baits laid.
7. Pinch out growing tips after 4 sets of leaves
appear (stopping).
8. Side dress with a general fertilizer / Potash when buds appear
9. Disbud to get strong flower stems, remove 2 buds either side of central bud (disbudding).
10. Do not neglect your insect / fungus control programme.
11. Summer watering may be necessary, but preferably in the cool.
12. Remove all spent flowers to prolong flowering season.
13. Wait until growth has died off before cutting back.
14. Tubers should be lifted every 2-3 years - ensure they are well labelled. They must be re-planted the following season.
15. Store in sawdust, sand or other free draining medium. Cover to protect from frosts.
16. When storing, keep moist, every couple of weeks remove any rotten pieces.
General Tips - all year round
Remove old deadheads.... "Manuel" is seen here mulching the cut flowers to reduce chance of fungal growth, and removing spent blooms will prolong flowering